Thursday, January 22, 2015

Fixed Coax and redid the End-Fed(up)

Well, I fixed the shorted coax connector, and redid the End-Fed antenna...Still fed through the 9:1 UNUN in the posts below, but now has a 31 foot radiator and a 27 foot Counterpoise.  Seems to tune OK??? on all bands 80 through 12 except for 15 meters...I think if I had a roller inductor tuner, that I could tune 80 through 10 more easily.  Come Spring, I am gonna try a different approach and maybe go with Isotrons, or maybe a GAP (no ground plane) antenna.
But for now, I can tune 40 and 20 fairly well, and also 17 and 12 meters. 80 tunes, but very lousy reception, so probably lousy transmit too...10 does not tune well at all.  I can always come up with a 10M dipole or vertical if I want.


P.S. I am calling it the End-Fed(up), because it gives me nothing but trouble most of the time, but when it works, it works VERY well...

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Now I need new Coax

Need a straight 50 foot run of good coax...Gonna be another month before I can put up the new antenna properly.



I scavenged a Coax connector and made up a new length of feedline. Took me 2 times to get the solder job right (first time I had a short).  Now the Doublet just will not tune right, because I cannot get it up high enough...Going back to the End-Fed with the new coax and a counterpoise...Now how long will it take me to get this thing to tune correctly???  I need to find a solution before I pull out all my hair!


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Antenna on the way

Just ordered a new antenna 40-10M from BuxComm...The 4010CD 

Hope that it does the job for me...


UPDATE:  I cannot hang this antenna up high enough right now with the snow on the ground...It will have to wait till Spring when I can take my antenna pole down and get it up to 30 feet or higher...they recommend 32-35 feet...

Hopefully Back in Bidness!!!

  I ordered a fully assembled  uBitx V6.1  last month from  India . When it arrived, the encoder shaft was busted, and the screen was cracke...