Monday, July 2, 2018

More fun than a Barrel of DX...

   I have been having a ball with the FT-991A and always get good signal reports and am told the audio sounds awesome. I could not be more thrilled. I have made more contacts on this little rig in 2 months than I have made in my 27 years as a ham total. There are Pros and Cons to this rig, as with any other, but I think the Pros far outweigh the Cons. Just take a look at my recent contacts at the bottom of this page.


Rob - W2RWL

Saturday, June 16, 2018

59 Countries for DXCC

According to, I have 59 confirmed countries towards my DXCC!!!


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Monday, April 16, 2018

New Station is set up and running!

Set up the Yaesu FT-991A. Lots of new features and things to play with (break)...HI HI...
Antenna is still an End-fed Wire (31 feet) with a 40 foot counterpoise. tunes wonderfully with SWRs all below 1.7:1 on all bands 80-6M. The picture at the top is the current placement in the shack.
Hope to hear you all on the air soon...



Monday, April 9, 2018

New Station on the way

   I should be receiving my new Yaesu FT-991A, External Speaker and Programming software by this Friday. Hopefully, I will be working some PSK31 and JT65 by weeks end.
Will let you all know what I think of the rig and my setup.


Hopefully Back in Bidness!!!

  I ordered a fully assembled  uBitx V6.1  last month from  India . When it arrived, the encoder shaft was busted, and the screen was cracke...