Sunday, March 20, 2016

Gave JT65-HF a try...

Tried a bit of JT65-HF on 20M for about an hour.  I was running only 25 watts into the End-Fed. The antenna still needs a little more length, but it seems to be putting out OK.  I was heard and responded to by Hams in Minnesota, Iowa, and Florida. I received an Italian Station, but he did not respond to my calls. The mode is a lot of fun, but contacts can take up to 8 minutes to complete, The mode is very reliable, and the signals sometimes are unheard by your ears, but the computer decodes them just fine...Give the mode a shot if you are able...



Tuesday, March 15, 2016

End Fed is back up again

I put the End Fed back up in the tree, but I need to do some tuning on it. I think it is too short at the moment. I need to add a bit of wire to it. Will let ya all know how it goes.


W2RWL - Bob

Hopefully Back in Bidness!!!

  I ordered a fully assembled  uBitx V6.1  last month from  India . When it arrived, the encoder shaft was busted, and the screen was cracke...