Saturday, May 23, 2020

Portable Ops

We have everything we need to go portable (FT-991A, FT-857D, BuddiPole Deluxe, Super Antenna, 20 AH LiFO, 35AH SLA, BIG butt Monster Truck Battery (Unsure of AH, but it is HUGE and HEAVY), Win 10 tablet loaded with software for logging/rig control and digital modes (hopefully). Next purchase is Solar panels to keep batteries topped off. Can do 160-6M (yagi too), 2M, 440, 220.
Plan on doing a few POTA activations, and if I can figure out how to get to them, a few SOTA activations as well.
Hope to hear yous some weekend... Either W2RWL, N2MGU, or our club call W2SYR. Will stay to the lower SSB portions of the General Class bands for POTA/SOTA operations.


New antenna system

Just bought a Maldol HVU-8 (8 band 80,40, 20, 15, 10, 6, 2, 440) vertical. Need to get a nice day I can not sweat my nuggies off or get wet to put it up. May enlist the help of a friend with a bucket truck to get it up. Waiting on Duplexer (using switch in mean time), coax, and line isolator. Hopefully have it up in 2 or 3 weeks. It is gonna be good to get back on HF. I have missed it a LOT!

YouTube video of antenna


Hopefully Back in Bidness!!!

  I ordered a fully assembled  uBitx V6.1  last month from  India . When it arrived, the encoder shaft was busted, and the screen was cracke...